Bio - The Dill Family
Emmaus Journey is a Catholic evangelistic and discipleship ministry that is conducted primarily in and through Catholic parishes. Emmaus Journey has embraced Goal #1 of the National Evangelrzation Plan Go and Make Disciples: "To bring about in all Catholics such an enthusiasm for their faith that, in living their faith in Jesus, they freely share it with others."
Michael Dill
Mike Dill is the Vice President of Emmaus Journey and has been evangelizing and leading ministries in academic, parish, and professional environments since high school. He has a Masters of Arts in Theology from the Augustine Institute, and also draws on formal training received from the Navigators, FOCUS, and the Evangelical Catholic. His 24 years of apostolate experience include team building, small group leadership, retreat & event organization, discipleship training, music and catechesis. He was forged as a leader over seven years of active service in the U.S. Army, including two overseas combat tours, and currently serves as a major in the U.S. Army Reserve. He loves serving one soul at a time and enjoys watching the lights turn on in someone's eyes as they discover the goodness of the Lord for themselves. He currently serves with the Inferno Men, a diocesan-wide men’s discipleship movement, in order to reach more men and multiply laborers for Christ. As Vice President of Emmaus Journey, Mike looks forward to synthesizing his experience and knowledge into discipleship tools that will empower lay Catholics to make disciples as Jesus did. Mike resides in Colorado Springs with his wife and four children.
Our Mission
We are blessed to be serving as a full-time missionary family. Christ commissioned his followers to "Go and make disciples of all nations." (Matt 18:19-20) We are devoting our lives to make disciples of Chrtst that they may know, love, and serve God throughout their lives.
Our Experience
I (Mike) began leading Bible studies in high school, helped found an evangelical Catholic campus ministry as an undergrad at Cornell University, and continued practicing discipleship in the Army with training from the Navigators, the same group that Rachel found a spiritual home in as a college student. In June 2014, I left my active duty Army career and we joined the Fellowship of Catholic University Students {FOCUS). Their training helped launch us into professional apostolic work. When we transitioned to Emmaus Joumey in 2015, our mission took on the great needs of families in parish fife.
Our Methods
It surprises many to hear that this mission work is actually very practical and methodical. Mature disciples of Christ grow through an experience of conversion and transformation until the love of Chrst compels the disciple to mobilization for the Kingdom of God. By drawing on Christ the source of all life, and by showing others how to do the same, missionaries can effectively win, build, and send people out as spiritual leaders for future generations.
This practice is not new; the Church has been at it for three millennia. St Paul used this threefold process in Thessalonica, a model parish in the Early Church. To read more about this, check out A Vision for Ministry by Rich Cleveland available in the EJ bookstore (click here).
How Can I Help?
Your role is essential in this mission. We cannot provide an authentic, stable witness without your prayers and financial support. With your faith in God and investment in us, your gift enables us to share the good news fulf-time. Many wish they could engage in missionary work, but find its not their full-time calling. In truth, everyone can participate in the mission of the Church. As Mother Teresa said, "Some give by going to the mission, others go by giving to the mission."
So come with us! We invite you into this vital work by joining our mission support team. In doing so, your daily work becomes evangelization, and your gifts make an eternal impact. You can click the "Donate Now" button found on this page.
We can be reached at: We look forward to hearing from you. God bless.
Your instruments in mission.
Michael & Rachel Dill