

Caritas Christi urget nos” (2 Cor. 5:14): it is the love of Christ that fills our hearts and impels us to evangelize. Today as in the past, he sends us through the highways of the world to proclaim his Gospel to all the peoples of the earth (cf. Mt 28:19).

Emmaus Journey, a lay ministry of Catholic Evangelization and Discipleship, has the privilege of partnering with the Catholic Oaza camp program offered through the Roman Catholic Diocese of Świdnica, Poland. Each year, we send young adults from parishes in the U.S. to provide an enriching faith experience for children ages 8 – 17. 

These exceptional young adults present a Catholic Vacation Bible School program and teach English to the children along with the informal time immersed in the “camp” experience. Following their mission work they visit several important historical sites following in the footsteps of Saint John Paul II.

Poland is an important location for evangelization as an outgrowth of the earnest prayer of Saint John Paul II for his country. Many Europeans are increasingly influenced by secular culture where many clergy describe a state of “crisis” as Christians no longer practice or live out their faith.

2013 & 2014 Poland Mission Trips Slides

2015 & 2016 Poland Mission Trips Slides

2017 Poland Mission Trip Slides