Daily Lectionary Reading Record
The Lectionary is a schedule of selected Bible readings that the Roman Catholic Church and many churches follow for worship services.
It is arranged in two cycles, a 2-year cycle for weekdays and a 3-year cycle for Sundays. Weekdays include three passages - a passage from either Testament, a Psalm, and a Gospel passage.
Sundays include these same types plus a fourth passage usually drawn sequentially from the New Testament. The Sunday 3-year cycle follows the synoptic Gospels.
Year A = Matthew
Year B = Mark
Year C = Luke
John is read during the Easter season in all three years.
The Lectionary covers 90% of the Gospels, 55% of the rest of the New Testament, 127 Psalms and 13.5% of the rest of the Old Testament. (source: https://catholic-resources.org/Lectionary/Statistics.htm)
While it doesn’t exhaust the entire Bible, the Lectionary is the most universal daily Bible-reading plan out there, which makes it a great for fellowship, since Christians all over the world use it for daily prayer and worship.
The Lectionary Reading Record is a helpful tool for following the Scripture readings used in the daily mass. It also helps a person become consistent in their daily intake of Scripture.
It is made available as a PDF file that you can print for your own use or for use with a small-group. A PDF file can be viewed and printed if your computer is equipped with Adobe Acrobat Reader.
If you do not have the Acrobat Reader download it free from Adobe Systems (download here).Adobe Reader Icon Then click on "pdf" of the quarterly file you wish to download.
It is made available as a PDF file that you can print for your own use or for use with a small-group. A PDF file can be viewed and printed if your computer is equipped with Adobe Acrobat Reader.
If you do not have the Acrobat Reader download it free from Adobe Systems (download here).Adobe Reader Icon Then click on "pdf" of the quarterly file you wish to download.